Inheritance of THC and CBD, scheme: Different variations of F1 and F2 in cannabinoid concentrations in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant
Inheritance of THC and CBD, scheme: Different variations of F1 and F2 in cannabinoid concentrations in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant
This research works on the crossroads of Cannabis Sativa L plant varieties. Pure Cannabidiol (CBD) and Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) plants have been used in this research.
Specifically, 20 phenotypes were used for each variety of THC and 10 phenotypes for each variety of CBD. From the processes of gas chromatography and genetic identification of predecessors and the offspring in F1 and F2, we analyze the implications of Locus B and Locus A, testing the high levels of THC and CBD, and determining the hereditary scheme by which Locus B is modified for synthesis of THC and CBD.
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